How long have you been a leader?
I've been a leader for about 9 months now.
Why did you decide to become a leader?
I wanted my son to join Beavers and because some of the current leaders were stepping down I was asked to help.
I was a bit nervous at first because I'd never done anything like this before but I was very keen for my son to join the Colony so I agreed to take the plunge !
Did you receive any training?
Yes, there are some online training courses to learn about Scouting and things like safety and looking after the well being of the Beavers. I've also done a First Aid course which is a great set of skills to have anyway being a Mother of two. There are lots of other courses I can do as well for topics like inclusivity, leadership and how to promote positive behaviour.
Is it easy to know how to run each Colony evening?
It's actually easier that I expected. I thought it would be all scouty skills like knots and maps, and I was a bit worried because I wasn't involved in Scouts or Guides as a girl and I wouldn't know where to start.
It turns out that all the other leaders are in the same boat ! They are all mums and dads who want their children to have fun with other children having new experiences. Last week we built swings and dens in the woods at Nomansland, and next week we're off to visit the newborn lambs on the farm.
Did you get thrown in at the deep end?
No, not at all. When I first joined the other leaders looked after me and made sure I knew what I needed to do which was mainly making sure the children didn't wander off! Gradually I picked things up and ran some games. Before long I was planning and leading sessions with other leaders joining in.
Are you expected to turn up every single week?
No, that's what I was expecting but the leaders have a rota and I come when I can which is about 3 times a month. It's great because I'm a full time working mum travelling into London three days a week, so I tend to I work from home on Wednesdays so I can get to the Scout Hut by 5:30pm.
What's the best part?
For me I just love to see (and hear!) the Beavers having a great time. I can't think of any other environment where they can be with so many other children the same age, have so much fun and have experiences they just can't have at school.
Any regrets?
Not at all, in fact the second best part is how much fun I seem to be having. It's so rewarding to see the Beavers try new things and grow in confidence. I'm enjoying it so much I'm even thinking of becoming a Cub Leader next!